Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
The ministry of altar server affords youths an opportunity to express their personal spirituality. This simple acts of service performed are, in essence, acts of love for God. By actively participating in the liturgy through which Jesus becomes sacramentally present on the altar, servers express their personal desire to be close to Jesus.
The expression of a youth's spirituality also has a family dimension, for the youth server's ministry can only succeed with the full support of his or her family. The server's family life, in turn, is strengthened by this ministry, which provides a visible manifestation of the communal and transcendent purpose of the Christian family.
Closely related to the dimension of personal spirituality is the role of servant to the priest, who presides as an Alter Christus (i.e., standing in the place of Christ) during the liturgy. By reverently assisting the priest, servers express their desire to serve Jesus and to follow his example of humble service to the community.
The example of the priest and the other adult liturgical ministers also inspires in the servers a sense of responsibility in ministry. Frequent, direct contact with the adult ministers helps educate the servers in the variety of vocations to which God calls his people. The experience the servers gain should ultimately inform and inspire them in their own vocational discernment.
By assisting the priests, altar servers perform a valuable service to the community. They also serve the assembly directly by providing an example of prayerful and reverential participation in the liturgy. As devout and visible worshipers, they share in the parish’s apostolate of witnessing for the Gospel to visitors and others in the assembly who may need support in believing and living the Catholic faith.
The altar server’s ministry is a service to others. Servers are often called upon to serve at Mass times that may be inconvenient for them or for their families. In their service to the community, altar servers learn and practice the self-giving love that characterizes the Christian lifestyle.
Ministry Requirements
Altar servers must be in at least third grade and have made their First Communion. Servers are welcome to continue in this ministry until they graduate from high school.
Servers are scheduled along with other liturgical ministries and will be scheduled for their requested Mass at least twice per month, or as frequently as they desire.
Training is required, and it will take approximately one and a half hours. A refresher session is offered twice a year.
Weddings & Funerals
Altar Servers who have been actively serving in ministry for at least 2 years are eligible to serve at wedding and funeral masses. Those interested must attend a special training before being placed on the list of wedding and funeral servers. (Please note that younger servers may be required to be scheduled for wedding/funeral masses with an older/more experienced server.)
If your child would like to be an altar server, please click the links below to download the materials you'll need for registration. Thank you!